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Message from President |
Education is preparation for life and learning is a never ending phenomenon. I see ourselves as a school community fostering creativity, individuality and leadership while striving for excellence in teaching and learning as we believe that each student is special and we can only help him/her discover it.
We see our mission as “Education for life” and completely believe and advice my students the following.
“In matters of style, swim with the current
In matters of PRINCIPLE stand like a Rock”
Thomas Jefferson |
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Mrs Sukhvinderjit Kaur |
President |
We endeavour in assisting students to progressively accept the changes in education and tackle these new arenas.
We have fully initiated the CCE programme forwarded by CBSE as we seek to recognize and to develop all aspects of the student’s personhood with excellence according to God’s highest purpose for their hearts, soul and minds.
Witnessing the change in the parent’s education scenario I deeply ponder and promote the following lines by Swami Vivekanand. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life-think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.
This is the way to success. “ |
Mrs. Sukhvinderjit Kaur
President |