Message from Principal

Abraham Lincoln rightly says

“The best way to predict the future is to CREATE IT”.

Undoubtedly the human race has achieved what many species could never. We have time and again shown our supremacy in the race for survival.

The pandemic came as a challenge but also unfolded arenas in education and the horizon brightened as the virtual world came to our rescue.
The onus for educators has increased manifold as the school continues to strive ahead with the hybrid mode of teaching. It is very gratifying and at the same time a moment of pride to state
Mrs. Harpreet Kaur
the stupendous result attained by the students at both the class X and XII CBSE examination wherein the efforts put in by the teaching fraternity are applaudable and the ever growing support from the management is the go – get factor even in times as such.

The need to make world citizens stands tall today thereby the change to focus on collaboration, appreciation, tenacity and being resourceful are to be treated as gifts and pre-requisites for this challenge.
In keeping with the times, we understand that a strong partnership of love and logic is needed thereby we strive to ensure to give our students a platform to innovate and be creative, tutor them the art of relevant questioning and make them understand that making errors is a step on the path of progress.

Therefore the phrasal idiom ‘work hard, play hard’ really needs to be applied and educators will play their part in the equation to unlock the door to the future as aptly put by Pema Chodron.

“The future is completely open and we are writing it moment to moment.”

Mrs. Harpreet Kaur