Greetings from India's International Movement to Unite Nations

Greetings from India's International Movement to Unite Nations??

I.I.M.U.N is coming up with its first ever 3D Digital Conference in North???? on I.I.M.U.N's very own platform specially curated to give the students a 3D experience, from walking??‍? in the committee room to participating in the social events ????to clicking photos at the photo booth?? to enjoying opening ceremony on your laptop ??So, What are you waiting for???
Register for a free probono workshop

To let you know more about the Concourse  I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that one of the I.I.M.U.N.  Senior representatives will be setting up a pro bono workshop for approximately 45 minutes regarding the workings of the UN, concept of an MUN, benefits of I.I.M.U.N., public speaking skills, 3D Flatform, current local, national and international affairs and educating students about the upcoming I.I.M.U.N. North Concourse
Hoping to see you all for the pro-bono workshop ????
